Garden Management, Nailsea.
I have had the pleasure of creating this garden situated in Nailsea, North Somerset over the years. It comprises cultivated borders, neat lawns, and tall hedges that provide privacy from the outside world plus valuable shelter and refuge for wildlife. My client also expressed the need for a small wild meadow to increase pollinators within her garden. This has been an ongoing project and has taken 3-4 years to fully grow into this beautiful pastoral scene. It is also hoped that we can extend the wild patch slightly to maximize the amount of biodiversity in the area .
‘Mark has transformed my garden with a wonderful variety of plants and trees, having differing colours, shapes and textures that give interest throughout the year. It is a delight to be out there and also lovely to look out on from indoors. I am particularly thrilled with the wild patch he has created. It is fascinating to see how it is developing from year to year. It truly is 'a home for wildlife and a haven for people'.
Marie Hammond